
Questions of Doubt #3

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Bernhard Schwetzler QoD #3: Cost of capital of pension reserves
In Germany firms are allowed to keep pension liabilities for their employees and pensioneers (and the corresponding assets) on their own books. For some big firms these liabilities make up a billions absolute amount and a significant fraction of the firm´s balance sheet. This video tackles the question of the cost of capital of this funding source. There are significant differences in the approaches to estimate these cost and the results they deliver. The video shows that these differences are due to different (implied) assumptions on the substitution of cash wage by the annual service cost of the pension liability. You may use the pension´s interest cost shown in the P&L only, if you assume that the service cost are 100% substituting cash wage.

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Questions of Doubt #2

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Bernhard Schwetzler QoD #2: Relevering/delevering beta factors: gross debt or net debt leverage?
When transfering industry betas on individual firms in the same industry a standard adjustment, called "de-levering and re-levering" is performed to account for potential differences in the capital structure. This video tackles the question on whether this adjustment should be made based on the net debt to equity ratio or based on the gross debt to equity ratio.

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Insights aus dem aktuellen Newsletter der finexpert GmbH

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) profiles are on everybody's lip, but not in everybody's portfolio. Research finds that only long-horizon investors prefer higher-ESG firms.

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Aktuelle Kapitalmarktdaten

Insights aus der finexpert community

Yesterday we updated our quarterly capital market data (betas, multiples, returns) as of July 15, 2018. With a free basic membership you have access to the latest capital market data. Registration only takes 1 minute.

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Questions of Doubt #1

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Bernhard Schwetzler has started a Youtube channel titled „questions of doubt in corporate valuation”. In homemade video clips of max. length of 10 minutes he discusses and answers (or at least tries to) technical questions related to corporate valuation that may pop up in the day to day business of transaction advisors. The first video in this sequence is discussing the question “WACC and target capital structure – gross debt or net debt?”. The channel will updated in a weekly or two-weekly sequence with a new "QoD".

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Neue Teilnehmerstimme

von Karl Schröder (Dr. Kittl & Partner)

Vielen Dank für das positive Feedback von Karl Schröder (Dr. Kittl & Partner) für unser Seminar LBO-Strukturierung: „Das Seminar hat mich vollumfänglich begeistert. Hervorzuheben ist die hohe Praxisrelevanz bei gleichzeitiger tiefer theoretischer Fundierung. Besonders die Diskussionen zwischen Teilnehmern und Referenten haben das Seminar bereichert. Ein angenehmer Nebeneffekt ist die Weiterentwicklung des Excel-Know-Hows.“

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