Seminare im September 2018
Es gibt noch freie Plätze für unsere Seminare im September 2018 in Frankfurt am Main. Übrigens: Bei Buchung von mehr als einem Seminar erhalten Sie einen Kombibucher-Preisvorteil in Höhe von 50,- EUR pro gebuchtem Seminar.
Questions of Doubt #7
Bernhard Schwetzler QoD #7: Gordon-Shapiro model or value driver model for terminal value caclulation?
This video introduces the "value driver model" as an extension of the Gordon-Shapiro (GS) model for terminal value calculation. It discusses advantages and problems when comparing it against the GS model.
Questions of Doubt #6
Bernhard Schwetzler QoD #6: Does the Gordon-Shapiro growth model fully capture inflation?
This video discusses the relation between growth and inflation. It is shown that under consistent nominal valuation there is no need to "add" an additional growth factor caused by inflation. Also a recent critique on the Gordon-Shapiro model is discussed and rejected.
Questions of Doubt #5
Bernhard Schwetzler QoD #5: Are there sanity checks for the growth assumptions in the terminal value calculation?
The assumption about the permanent growth rate in the terminal value calculation is a standard battlefield in transaction negotiations. This video is first introducing the so called Gordon-Shapiro model for terminal value calculation and then shows that it is a powerful tool to check for reasonable growth assumptions and to sort out unreasonable ones. (Sorry for this video being so long; if you already know the Gordon-Shapiro model and are only interested in the sanity check you may jump to 16:40..)
Questions of Doubt #4
Bernhard Schwetzler QoD #4: Are pension reserves part of the equity bridge in DCF valuation? Including (unfunded) internal pension liabilities into DCF valuation not trivial. This video discusses potential pitfalls and shows consistent treatments of pension reserves in corporate valuation with respect to Free Cash flow, WACC and Net Debt.
Virtuelle Tour
Der nächste Termin für unsere interaktive Tour durch die Finanzmodellierungs- und Bewertungsseminare von finexpert steht fest: Freitag, 10.08.2018, 14-15 Uhr mit Maximilian Schreiter. Jetzt kostenlos anmelden unter info@finexpert-seminars.de, Betreff: Interaktive Tour. Wir schicken Ihnen umgehend die Zugangsdaten zu unserem Webinar.
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